CSESoc COMP2521 Short Answer Practice Problems


A and B are weighted, undirected graphs. B has the same edges as A, except the weights are increased by 3.

a) Do the minimal spanning trees of A and B always contain the same edges? Justify your answer.

b) Consider the tree of single-source shortest paths from some vertex (e.g. as produced by Dijkstra's algorithm). Does this tree always contain the same edges in both graphs? Justify your answer.


A particular graph is stored as an array of edges, each represented as a pair of vertices. When a new edge is added, it is placed at the end of the array. For example: [3, 2, 2, 1].

a) What is the time complexity of breadth first search using this representation? Give your answer in terms of V and E.

b) How can this representation be adjusted to improve the complexity of BFS, while maintaining the same space complexity?


Consider an arbitrary undirected connected graph G. A graph G* is constructed by replacing every edge of G with 4 edges and two vertices like this:

       G                            G*
                              ------ C ------
                             /               \
A ------------- B     =>    A                 B
                             \               /
                              ------ D ------

Is it true that G* has an Euler cycle?


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